Joseph ones inpa download
Joseph ones inpa download

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The others agreed that it was a fine plan, and so they sold Joseph to the merchants for twenty pieces of silver. We’ll sell him to these merchants, and they can take him as a slave to Egypt.” Judah said: “Come, what’s in it for us if we just leave our brother to die? Let us at least make some profit out of him – it will be the first and last time that he brings any good to us. Their camels were loaded with spices, balms, and myrrh for perfumes, which they were carrying to Egypt. While they were eating, some travelling merchants came by. Pleased with their plan, the brothers sat down to eat their lunch. It was a deep pit with no water in it, and if the wild beasts did not eat him, he would surely die of thirst before too long, for it was a baking hot country, on the edge of the desert. The brothers said: “Did you dream this little brother?” They seized him, stripped him of his coat of many colours and slung him into a hole in the ground. Would you like to hear what I dreamed last night?” So when Joseph arrived and said: “Here I am. Secretly, Reuben planned to come back later and rescue Joseph from the pit before any great harm came to him. That way we can truthfully tell father that it was not we who killed him, but the wild beasts.” Let’s drop him in a pit and leave him as food for the animals. He’s an annoying little pest, but he is still our brother. He said: “No, let’s not be so mean that we kill him. Reuben, who was the oldest, decided to save Joseph. We will tell father that a wild beast ate him up.” “Oh no, here comes the dreamer boy,” said one. The brothers spotted him from far off, and while he was still approaching they planned a plot against him. He put on his coat of many colours and went out to look for them. Benjamin was still too young to go out and work, but Jacob sent Joseph to join the older brothers. One day, the brothers went to tend to their flocks in some far away pastures. When the older brothers saw how angry their father was with Joseph, they were pleased, but soon their dad went back to favouring Joseph above all the others, so they went back to hating Joseph. “Do you mean that your father, mother, and all your brothers should bow down before you? You’d better not dream such a dream again, or you may regret it.” “This is a very unbelievable, crazy dream, young man,” he said. This dream was too much, even for his old father.

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He dreamt that he had stood on a mountain top, and the sun, the moon and all the stars had bowed down before him. This time he told it to his entire family while they were eating their meal. “That you shall rule over us, and we shall bow down before you? How dare you dream such a dream? You should shut up and do as you’re told.”Ī few nights later, Joseph had another dream. “What is the meaning of this dream?” they said. When Joseph had finished telling the dream his brothers were deeply offended and insulted! Joseph’s sheaf stood up as if it were alive, and all his brothers’ sheaves bowed down before it. In the dream, the brothers had been gathering the wheat in the fields and tying them up into bundles called sheaves. One day they were out in the fields, and Joseph started to tell his brothers about the dream he had the previous night. Joseph loved the coat, but when his older brothers saw it they became even more jealous, and their dislike for him grew even stronger! It was a coat woven with a beautiful pattern that contained many different colours. On Joseph’s seventeenth birthday, Jacob gave him a magnificent present. The brothers were furious with him for getting them into trouble. In fact, Joseph noticed everything, and when his brothers neglected their work or did something wrong, he told their father all about it. Joseph was a dreamy boy, and his brothers were always teasing him for having his ‘head in the clouds’ and not paying attention to what was going on around him.

Joseph ones inpa download