Skyrim blood on the ice
Skyrim blood on the ice

skyrim blood on the ice


It might have been fixed without mention in patch 1.7 or 1.8. I don't in think I did anything different. I just completed the quest again to check. If we can get someone else to confirm that this quest is the cause, we can put it on the quest page as a bug. I hadn't narrowed it down to anything in particular, but I can at least confirm that the items around Niranye's stall get all messed up. I've frequently seen horse meat in particular get scattered from Aval Atheron's stall around the Stone Quarter. Mjr162006 ( talk) 10:39, 5 April 2013 (GMT) I've never seen them float in the air. If anyone else is getting it too, perhaps it should be added to the list. And it is definitely this quest doing it. I've had about a dozen playthroughs and every single one of them had this happen no matter how I went about completing this quest. When the cell resets, the objects are in the same scattered positions. In every single playthrough I've done, items around the stalls in the Stone Quater (the marketplace) fall to the ground, float in the air, and are otherwise scattered, every single time, once reaching the point in this quest where Calixto is stalking someone there about to kill them (quest stage 120). Rope Dog ( talk) 13:20, 23 June 2013 (GMT) Scattered Items in Stone Quater Like the other poster said, Sofie doesn't seem to be able to die this way. Strange, there is a guard right in front of them, but she doesn't do anything.

skyrim blood on the ice

Morrolan ( talk) 14:12, 29 January 2013 (GMT) In my game Calixto is trying to kill Sofie too. Anyway this doesn't sound like that rough of a bug, all you have to do is catch Calixto after he goes into attack mode, if he's attacking an unkillable target instead of Arivanya (who can be saved if you act quickly enough) that just means one less civilian death you should be able to complete the quest just fine. But there's no way he's ever going to kill one anyway.

skyrim blood on the ice

It might be because in the base game Windhelm has no children so maybe Calixto's stabbing AI doesn't check to make sure his target isn't a child. All children are completely indestructible in Skyrim, they don't take damage (unlike regular essential characters who do take damage, just won't die) and normally aren't targetted by anything. It's very strange that you seem to be saying that Calixto attacks Sofie. But Calixo just walks up behind Niranye, and stabs here and she doesn't die! 12:54, 6 December 2012 (GMT) Kyle Niranye is essential until you do Summerset Shadows, a Thieves Guild reputation quest, as she plays a large role in it. Promise you'll keep me safe?' I've searched this problem but it seems to be a new bug? Help! - Unsigned comment by ( talk) at 01:22 on 4 December 2012 I have the same problem but I don't have Hearthfire. Very weird! I spoke to her and her dialogue is about Riften 'There are lots of scary people here, Mama. I adopted the homeless kid of Windhelm on Hearthfire - Sofie, and now this quest is bugged, obviously I don't have Hjerim yet so she's not living in Windhelm, she was originally in Whiterun, I moved my family to Riften to see if it would make any difference, still she's missing, she's stood in the marketplace and Calixto stabs her but she doesn't die, just holds up her fists. Players will have to manually give themselves his key using console commands. In the latest edition of the UESP, Calixto's key will not appear on his body after you kill him (this is a known issue by the mod's creators). 40 Nilsine dead out of bounds during quest.36 "Patrol Stone Quarter" objective not being given.33 Is this quest still buggy in the Special Edition?.


31 Could we add a section on how to NOT trigger the quest?.30 Both Helgird investigation and Arivanya stabbing can be skipped.22 Not being able to report back to the guard.21 Susanna murdered after Blood on the Ice.20 Thieve's Guild Radiant Quest Automatic Fail.

Skyrim blood on the ice